Elasticsearch index recovery settings

Elasticsearch Reference [7.6] » REST APIs » Index APIs » Get index settings API The get settings API can be used to get settings for more than one index with a single call. To get settings for all indices you can use _all for . Wildcard expressions are also supported. The following are some examples:

settings in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. It’s best to set all cluster-wide settings with the settings API and use the elasticsearch.yml file only for local configurations. This way you can be sure that the setting is the same on all nodes. If, on the other hand, you define different settings on different nodes by The list of per-index settings which can be updated dynamically on live indices can be found in Index modules . To preserve existing settings from being updated, the preserve_existing request parameter can be set to true. I'm checking the status of recovery through _cat/recovery, but I only see the % of 1 shard at a time actually moving up and very slowly. It seems to me that it's recovering one shard at a time. I have 4 nodes Per node: 32 cores, ES_HEAP_SIZE = 30gb, and Sandisk Extre pro 960GB SSDS in RAID 0. I made the following setting to my Elasticsearch cluster in order to decommission some old nodes in the cluster. After removed these old nodes, now I need to re-enable the cluster to allocate shards on those '10.0.6.*' nodes. Does anyone know how to remove this setting? PUT /_cluster/settings { "transient": { "cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip": "10.0.6.*" } } Thanks in advance for any

A simple configuration that collects only default (non-custom) metrics looks like elasticsearch.indices.recovery.throttle-time, Total time recoveries waited due to 

Use the index recovery API to get information about ongoing and completed shard recoveries. Shard recovery is the process of syncing a replica shard from a primary shard. Upon completion, the replica shard is available for search. Recovery automatically occurs during the following processes: The Changing index settings during restoreedit Most of index settings can be overridden during the restore process. For example, the following command will restore the index index_1 without creating any replicas while switching back to default refresh interval: Elasticsearch may be making changes to the contents of its data directories while it is running; copying its data directories cannot be expected to capture a consistent picture of their contents. If you try to restore a cluster from such a backup, it may fail and report corruption and/or missing files. Elasticsearch Reference [7.6] » REST APIs » Index APIs » Get index settings API The get settings API can be used to get settings for more than one index with a single call. To get settings for all indices you can use _all for . Wildcard expressions are also supported. The following are some examples: settings in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. It’s best to set all cluster-wide settings with the settings API and use the elasticsearch.yml file only for local configurations. This way you can be sure that the setting is the same on all nodes. If, on the other hand, you define different settings on different nodes by The list of per-index settings which can be updated dynamically on live indices can be found in Index modules . To preserve existing settings from being updated, the preserve_existing request parameter can be set to true. I'm checking the status of recovery through _cat/recovery, but I only see the % of 1 shard at a time actually moving up and very slowly. It seems to me that it's recovering one shard at a time. I have 4 nodes Per node: 32 cores, ES_HEAP_SIZE = 30gb, and Sandisk Extre pro 960GB SSDS in RAID 0.

Indices Recoveryedit. Peer recovery syncs data from a primary shard to a new or existing shard copy. Peer recovery automatically occurs when Elasticsearch: Recreates a shard lost during node failure. Relocates a shard to another node due to a cluster rebalance or changes to the shard allocation settings.

Use the index recovery API to get information about ongoing and completed shard recoveries. Shard recovery is the process of syncing a replica shard from a   This setting accepts an integer, and can be updated on a live index with the update index settings API: PUT index_4/_settings { "index.priority": 1 }. Copy as  Edit To prioritize recovery on certain indices, you can use the priority setting on index this way: PUT some_index { "settings": { "index.priority": 10 } }. The index  In Elasticsearch, recovery refers to the process of recovering an index/shard when something Check if your ES issues are caused from misconfigured settings. Check Your Elasticsearch Settings for Painful Mistakes to understand common problems related to Elasticsearch concepts: indices, recovery, settings.

indices : specifies the indexes that you want to restore. rename_pattern : specifies a regular expression to match the restored indexes 

18 Apr 2016 Instead of going through Elasticsearch's documentation yet another time or When changing cluster settings, you have two options: a sync ID on all indices, and as long as you are not writing to them, the recovery time of  3 Oct 2019 Replicas help to recover the data on shard loss or machine crash. This is possible because API Gateway provides options for the API providers to configure An Elasticsearch index may store a large amount of data. cluster.indices.close.enable, Dynamic, NodeScope, Boolean, true indices. recovery.internal_action_long_timeout, Dynamic, NodeScope, TimeValue.

In Elasticsearch, recovery refers to the process of recovering an index/shard when something Check if your ES issues are caused from misconfigured settings.

I'm checking the status of recovery through _cat/recovery, but I only see the % of 1 shard at a time actually moving up and very slowly. It seems to me that it's recovering one shard at a time. I have 4 nodes Per node: 32 cores, ES_HEAP_SIZE = 30gb, and Sandisk Extre pro 960GB SSDS in RAID 0. I made the following setting to my Elasticsearch cluster in order to decommission some old nodes in the cluster. After removed these old nodes, now I need to re-enable the cluster to allocate shards on those '10.0.6.*' nodes. Does anyone know how to remove this setting? PUT /_cluster/settings { "transient": { "cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip": "10.0.6.*" } } Thanks in advance for any The recovery of the Lucene based application was quite immediate. In fact, the indexes were lazy loaded when a query arrived and then the IndexReader were cached, to speed up future replies. Now, with Elasticsearch, the recovery is very slow (tens of minutes). Note that usually before a crash, all the indexes are opened and that most of them receive documents to index quite often. indices.recovery.file_chunk_size - now fixed to 512kb; indices.recovery.translog_ops - removed without replacement; indices.recovery.translog_size - now fixed to 512kb; indices.recovery.compress - file chunks are not compressed due to lucene's compression but translog operations are. But I'm surprised it is not reflected in the documentation. The index.recovery.initial_shards allow to control the number of shards expected to be found on full cluster restart per index. The values are: quorum, quorum-1, full, full-1, and a numeric value. This setting is a dynamic setting and can be set using the update settings API. In the example, it used the following: extra_settings: settings: number_of_shards: 1 number_of_replicas: 0 My understanding is that this would restore the indices and make all indices have 1 primary shard and 0 replicas. However, when I tried to use these settings to restore a

Reason being the hard limit seems to prevent new index from assigning replica to a node. When I removed some old indices, the cluster goes into a shard balancing mode. This is fine. But we have hourly index being created and the replica is being set to unassigned for a prolong period of time, until one of the "recovery/relocation" task is done. ES includes several recovery properties which improve both Elasticsearch cluster recovery and restart times. The value that will work best for you depends on the hardware you have in use (disk and network being the usual bottlenecks), and the best advice we can give is to test, test, and test again . Elasticsearch has an extensive set of APIs that you can query or change at runtime. Each API call has a context, which is usually “cluster,” “node,” or “index.” That means that some APIs change things cluster-wide, some are only for a specific node, and some are for a specific index. When changing cluster settings, you have two options: The snapshot and restore module allows you to create snapshots of your indices, or a snapshot of the cluster as a whole. In this tutorial, we show you how to implement them to protect your data. In this article we will see how to do CRUD (Create/Read/Update and Delete) operation in Elasticsearch using C# and NEST (.NET client for Elasticsearch). The example is made of C# use under WinForm. This article is specially focusing on newcomers and anyone new wants to learn or thinking of using ES in their .NET program.